Electron Microscopy Study!

KRISHNA GOPALA S gk1702 at csc.albany.edu
Wed Sep 20 13:09:56 EST 1995

              Do  You  Have  Work  On  Transmission, Scanning, Cr-
            Electron Microscopes, Elemental Analysis and Image
            I am a Certified Electron Microscopist from V.A.Hospital,
            Albany, NY and I have two years experience on specimen    
            preparation, processing for Transmission, Scanning, Cryo-
            Electron Microscopes, Ultramicrotomy, Photographic techniques.
            If you send your specimen samples, I can process them and
            take very nice pictures under Transmission, Scanning Electron
            Microscopes and also perform elemental analysis under SEM
            and mail them to you.
            I charge very less money per sample comparative to other
            people.  I charge $10 per specimen.
            I can process any plant, animal specimens for Electron
            Microscpy study.  Please send $10 cash or check and specimen
            sample to Mr.Krishna, 248 Shakerrun Apts, Albany, NY-12205.

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