In article <4383k4$dcj at> nonn et al <nonn.robert at> writes:
>Grades are not enough, publish like a fiend and suck up to the big guns!
Good point, though I would add that any sucking up (or even lack thereof)
is going to make people think "Hmmm. what camp are they in...?" and
you will inevitably be taken on those grounds rather than for what you
might have to say. It's a shame, but as a young phylogeneticist, I
assure you it's true. If there's one thing that the majority does
NOT respect out there... it's a firm conviction. So don't have one...
you'll go further.
Mark E. Siddall "I don't mind a parasite...
mes at I object to a cut-rate one"
Virginia Inst. Marine Sci. - Rick
Gloucester Point, VA, 23062