In article <s9gTwAJBBh107h at>,
steve at (Steve Chambers) wrote:
> Sure, why not? Just because an aging process is most observable late
> in life doesn't mean that it hasn't been going on throughout. Adults may
> not have neuroblasts and other early development cell types but that's
> not important - it's the somatic mutations (which can happen at any age)
> that are the "aging" process of interest here.
>> Besides, we're quite happy to conceptualize Werner's and other progerias
> as premature aging. Why not other age-linked phenomenon that occur in
> childhood?
I can't really carry on the debate, as I don't know enough about the
molecular lesions that have been implicated in embryonic and childhood
cancers.I guess that if the mutation was caused by a mutation in the
*parent's* germ cells, then one could quite easily claim it to be
>> PS Andy - We're talking about aging of whole organisms here ;-)
> Good to hear from you again.
Organisms? What are they? Can you grow them in a dish?????
Andy Groves
Division of Biology, 216-76
California Institute of Technology