Funds for Aging Research

WUNSCH Guillaume wunsch at demo.ucl.ac.be
Wed Sep 6 06:26:54 EST 1995

Dear Colleagues,

   We have just received an information from European Community grant 
agency that a lot of funds could be received for our research work 
on aging and longevity on condition of international collaboration.

   We are looking for scientific partners in order to write joint 
grant application. Our schedule of the visits to the UK, France and 
Belgium is printed below (including fax numbers).

   The scientists interested in participation in our project based on our
previous research (described in our book "The Biology of Life Span", Harwood
Academic Publisher, 1991) are invited to join us.

   Sincerely yours,

   Dr.Leonid A.Gavrilov, Ph.D.
   Principal Research Scientist, Moscow State University

   Dr.Natalia S.Gavrilova, Ph.D.
   Senior Research Scientist
   Institute for System Analysis, Russian Academy of Sciences

P.S.: Our schedule is printed below for your information.


1. Belgium. September 5-13, 15-20.
   Contact person: Professor Guillaume Wunsch.
   Phone: (32 10) 47 29 51
   Fax: (32 10) 47 29 52
   Working Address: Dr.Leonid A.Gavrilov, Ph.D.
                    c/o Prof.G.Wunsch
                    Institut de demographie
                    place Montesquieu, 1/17
                    B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

   Home Address: Dr.Leonid A.Gavrilov, Ph.D.
                 c/o Mrs.Cecile Goossens
                 Clos des Molons, 1
                 B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
     Home phone: (32 10) 45 07 67

2. United Kingdom. September 13-14 and perhaps later.
   Contact person: Dr. Michael Murphy.
   Phone: 0171-405 7686
   Fax: 0171-955 6833
   Address: Dr.Leonid A.Gavrilov,Ph.D.
            c/o Dr.M.Murphy
            Population Studies
            London School of Economics
            Houghton Street
            London WC2A 2AE

3. France. September 21-22 and perhaps later.
   Contact person: Dr.Michel Allard.
   Phone: 33(1) 44 96 10 95
   Fax: 33(1) 44 96 11 99
   Address: Dr. Leonid A.Gavrilov,Ph.D.
            c/o Dr.Michel Allard
            IPSEN Foundation
            24, rue Erlanger
            75781 PARIS cedex 16

P.S.: This list might be extended in future.

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