
John Josephson jj at CIS.OHIO-STATE.EDU
Thu Dec 21 06:58:15 EST 1995

> From: meglos at aol.com (Meglos)
> Date: 20 Dec 1995 21:14:51 -0500
> ...  In case anyone is interested, I experienced no noticable effect
> at 25 and 50 mg nightly dose of DHEA. At 100mg per night, there is a
> definite sense "of well-being" as mentioned in the reports. A
> curious sensation. My nightly regimen:
>   14 mg melatonin
> 100 mg DHEA
>   30 mg pregnenolone

How old are you?  How long have you been on this regime?  Has your
DHEA-S been tested since being on this regime to see how your blood
levels compare with a normal (youthful) range?

How soon after you went to the higher doseage of DHEA did you notice
the improved sense of well-being?

Aging minds/bodies need to know!



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