Cure for Death

Don Ashley dashley at TENET.EDU
Thu Dec 21 00:56:41 EST 1995

Geron Corp. in Menlo Park, Ca., founded by Mike West and Miller Quarles, is 
scientifically  approaching the 'cure'.  They are pioneers in telomerase 
manipulation.  They started with $50k a few years ago, now sustaining a 
$60 million research team. Japan now involved financially.

They stand to experience windfall profits in the $billions with 
significant breakthroughs.  Stock going public in '96.

On Wed, 20 Dec 1995, Brian wrote:

> Is there any serious science reviews about the potential for immortality. I 
> don't mean crackpot stuff or third grade journal articles. I saw the one in 
> LIFE magazine a few years ago, but that was just sort of a random description 
> of science projects that may be applied toward that goal.  I mean physicists 
> talk theoretically about concepts and potentialities that may seem ridiculous 
> to contemplate now, but this has shown itself to be a great way to gain some 
> inspiration and imagination. Why can't biologists do this? They seem so afraid 
> to talk about it seriously.

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