
N & D Cardenas nc07276 at goodnet.com
Wed Dec 20 01:14:09 EST 1995

In article <4b2f58$p7u at news.unicomp.net>,
   flaczko at conline.com (Frank L Laczko Sr.) wrote:
>There were several references to Lifelink as a source for DHEA. Could 
>someone Post or E-mail me their address/phone number please.
>Frank L Laczko Sr
>flaczko at conline.com


	I believe the below person, george, is LIFELINK.  I have ordered from 
them/him and they seem good.

- Daniel

>greetings, the price i gave you on DHEA was wrong. the actual price 
>is $40 for 180-25 mg caps (2 for $75) if onterested please call me at 
>1-800-359-9896 thank you, george
>gk at ix.netcom.com

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