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I'm in the process of getting NASA to create a artificial magnetic
field which will prevent the deterioration that now occurs in the
astronauts, while in space. This deterioration, known as osteoporosis,
will also be prevented within people here on earth, with the type/model
of artificial magnetic field produced by NASA.
For people to become aware that man has not, up until now, been useing
magnetic fields to their full potential, will cause them to maintain much
better health then ever before. And stop many from thinking problems are
caused by things that are not causing them.
After you read the info I sent to you, if the topic comes up in talking
to someone, you will be able to make a statement that will be of great
help to those around you. You will show the effects of an educated person.
The magnetic bed will create a magnetic field around a person, (one like
the earths), and the field will be made to shift every so often, (it seems
about every 45 min or so), this will be like the bird caring for its egg.
Electromagnetic fields, are something that our bodies have learned
to use. Our bodies have learned to use the earth's type of a magnetic
field. A/C voltage produces a magnetic field that shifts, or reverses,
60 times a second, and this makes it hard, or impossible, for magnetic
bacteria, (in our cells), to make magnetite from the iron that we take
into our bodies when we eat. The earth's magnetic field has its north
and south poles stay in about the same place. These bacteria use the
lines of flux when putting iron particals together, like a brick layer
uses a string, to line up the bricks. When most of the iron particals,
are lined up with their norths in the same direction, we call it
magnetite, not just iron.
The bacteria are doing this inside the cells, such as producing
an electrical charge as they move about, (like we do crossing the
carpet and then touching the TV), they cause the cell to divide
when their population reaches a certain number, and they produce
magnetite which is used to form the nuclear envelope, ( protecting
the DNA). These bacteria serve these functions within our cells
only when we provide them with what they need, like keeping fish
healthy in a fish tank.
Electromagnetic flux is like water, pretty much always the same,
But it can be stronger or weaker. What I've learned is that our
health is effected by how much we move around it a magnetic field.
What I offer is what I perceive to be knowledge. Knowledge that
can prevent crib death just by the mother realizing why she must
carry her baby around with her. Like they use to do. Every person
can now use this knowledge in their own life. Nothing to buy, but
something they must do, learn something new.
At your service,
REPLY FROM: Alan E. Jackson Return-Path: <BIOSCI-REQUEST at net.bio.net>
To: ageing at net.bio.net
From: peterseg at physlog-po.physlog.uiowa.edu (Greg Petersen)
Date: 11 Dec 1995 20:09:44 GMT
Message-ID: <peterseg-1112951542230001 at girl.physlog.uiowa.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: girl.physlog.uiowa.edu
Could someone explain in few words what these magnetic bacteria realy
are? This is the firs time for me to hear that there is an organism that
is able to utilize magnetic fields for movement (or is it just for
Also, how could these bacteria utilize iron as an energy souce?
I would appriciate if someone explained these things briefly.
G1 Mol Bio / U of I
Tommas Edison is remembered as having warned us, and I believe he is
quoted as having said, "You would be a fool to use A/C voltage rather
then D/C voltage. But his nation did not heed his words of wisdom.
If tommas Edison, the man who seems to have "opened the door" to the
uses of electric current, was a child of God, (which is now evident from
his effect on mankind), then at that time this nation turned from God,
and began to lead others away, through its example. The many blessing
that are afforded mankind, through the use of electricity, shows that
the hand of God was guiding Edison, and mankind through him, into the
"Age of Electricity"
The warning given to others, concerning the use of A/C voltage, was
given by the one who may have had the best understanding of electricity.
This would be evident from the way he used such knowledge throughRout his
Now today, information being gathered from studies, indicates that the
use of A/C voltage may have been a wrong move for mankind. And obvious to
anyone with a basic understanding of electricity, is the fact that the
magnetic field produced by A/C voltage is more in contrast with the
earth's field then D/C. More like the earth's, the magnetic field
produced by D/C voltage is constant.
But this may not be worth noting, unless there are life forms known to
use the earth's magnetic field, such as magnetic bacteria.
The small magnetic particles found withRin bacteria are noted as
causing it to be effected by magnetic fields. These particles being found
in man, should be viewed in that same light.
The effect of bringing this issue to the forefront, as a "news topic",
and having it held there long enough to educate people to the fact that
they are being effected, healthRwise, by magnetic fields would be deemed
necessary by anyone who becomes aware of these facts, and has the best
interests of everyone in mind.