
Greg Petersen peterseg at physlog-po.physlog.uiowa.edu
Mon Dec 11 15:18:42 EST 1995

   I might not be the right person to say this, but I had two years of
medical training, and I'm now a graduate student in molecular biology.
   It looks like your friend might have a melanoma on his neck. I would
NOT suggest that he takes care of this himself since there is a
possibility of doing more damage.
   I don't understand one thing, however. How come that he can have a
biopsy, and there is no dermatologist or family practice doctor, or like,
that can examine him? 
   I'll just tell you one thing: when in doubt, think of the worst.
Believing that "it is nothing" will not help. Rush to the nearest medical
facility as soon as possible, even if that means traveling for 5 days.


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