On 9 Dec 1995, Alan E. Jackson wrote:
> l. Magnetic bacteria use the properties of a magnetic field in order
> to form a chain of magnetite within its' body, from the iron it
> absorbs.
>> 2. Magnetic bacteria use the properties of a magnetic field in order
> to migrate magneticly.
> 3. Magnetic bacteria live and die within the cells of our body.
> 4. Magnetic bacteria not having its' needs met, as it attempts its'
> functions within our cells, leads to the deterioration of body
> tissues.
> 5. Astronauts are now recognized as suffering from magnetic deficiency
> syndrome, brought about by the needs of magnetic bacteria, (within
> their cells), not being met while outside the earth's magnetic field.
The magnetic fields are stronger. So this is not true.
> 6. A prolonged state of inactivity of magnetic bacteria within cells,
> such as when a bird's egg is not turned, or an infant is not carried,
> leads to energy levels too low to maintain life.
Not true, but a low magnetic field may increase mutation rates.
> 7. Periodic exposure to the magnetic field produced by A/C voltage
> causes poorly formed nuclear envelopes, within cells.
Interesting. Can you document your sources.
> 8. Through the proper use of magnetic fields, man may now achieve a
> higher degree of wellbeing, and travel farther through both time
> and space.
maybe, but I would prefer to have extra fuel.
> Mr. Jackson's most recent research has yielded an astounding theory;
> that movement is as important as nourishment to human beings. He came to
> that conclusion based on the behavior of magnetic bacteria.
>> He also believes these bacteria may be responsible for cell division.
> "I think movement through the earth's magnetic field is as important as
> nutrition."
> MR. JACKSON believes the earth's magnetic field is generated by molten
> lava rotating in the earth's core. The lava moves in the opposite
> direction of the earth itself, thus creating such a field.
Wrong. There is a very thin layer of superconduction material at the boundry
of solid earth and liquid earth. This material is charged randomly due
to piezoid electrical discharge caused by earth quakes. The discharge can
create an electrical field lasting up to 9 million years. It can also
be reversed every million years.
> "If we go to other planets, and no molten lava is flowing under the
> surface to create a magnetic field, the chances of finding life as we
> know it is slim."
True life dies out when the magnetic fields approach zero during a flip
cycle, but it does not die out completely. So this statement is unwarrented.
> Without flux lines, the magnetic bacteria would have no guide to food.
> "we can't live without flux lines," he said.
wrong. Magnetic field may be useful to "orient" but most movement is
random. Bacteria can "learn" that it gets food on the dark side of a
container. So stimulus-response would be a more useful idea than magnetism.
> Based on his unguessable research, Mr. Jackson theorizes that magnetic
> bacteria in cells follow flux lines within the geomagnetic field to get
> iron, which is there source of nourishment.
Iron, is related to cancer.
>> DR. RICHARD P. BLAKEMORE, a scientist at the University of New
> Hampshire, has said that amorphous cells (cells without form) accumulate
> a great deal of iron from outside cell walls to produce magnetic
> particles.
>> Mr. Jackson believes it is more then a coincidence that humans need iron
> supplement to exist.
I predict if you placed a rat in a totally protected environment under high
oxygen with NO IRON in its diet that it would live LONGER than other rats.
> SCIENTISTS know that bacteria collect and store iron, but they have yet
> to discover how.
The same way the store gold on the outside of there bodies. This does
support you idea.
> Mr. Jackson thinks magnetic bacteria swim inside
> individual cells within the body to get iron, possibly from the exterior
> walls of the cell nucleus or from the outer walls of the cell itself.
may be
> He contends the bacteria move within the cell according to the body's
> orientation to magnetic flux lines.
Blood flow would likely be more important.
> It has been shown that magnetic
> bacteria in the northern hemisphere migrate along flex lines in a
> northerly fashion, while magnetic bacteria in the southern hemisphere
> move south.
granted that bacteria will orient toward magnetic field and oscillating
radio fields. The underlining reason could be the transport mechanisms in
the microtubulines, which may be related to motor or nerve impulses.
>> THE NUMBERS of north-seeking and south-seeking magnetic bacteria at
> the equator have been proven equal, indicating the effect of flux lines
> on bacteria.
>> Dr. Blakemore and Dr. Richard B. Frankel of the Massachusetts Institute
> of Technology wrote that "magnetotactic bacteria are bottom-dwelling
> organisms that are either anaerobic (capable of living only in the absence
> of oxygen) or microaerophilic (surviving best in environments with little
> oxygen)."
>> Therefore, they theorize, these bacteria would have a tendency to
> migrate downward, depending on their location, because "it would help
> them to avoid toxic effects of the greater concentration of oxygen in
> surface water."
>> Mr. Jackson believes all people are essentially addicted to movement.
> An april 1979 article in Omni magazine cited the deterioration of
> astronauts' bones after periods of inactivity or weightlessness.
>> THIS DETERIORATION of bones, called osteoporosis, is thought by most
> to be associated with lack of gravitational forces in space.
>> Mr. Jackson thinks it is caused by the body having almost no
> orientation to the earth's magnetic field (or to north and south poles).
> Wiring within the spaceship may create some magnetism, but no definite
> poles, from which bacteria can orient themselves.
If you placed a rat on the space station and rotated in a box for 30 days
the bones would not deteriorate due to lack of gravity or magnetism.
They would be normal if you feed them.
> WITHOUT bodily movement, magnetic bacteria cannot move in the cell
> along magnetic flux lines.
not true
> Mr. Jackson said that was the reason chicken
> eggs, if not moved after being laid, would deteriorate. Without
> movement, the bacteria
(I assume you mean transport cells with a magnetic affinity)
> cannot constantly reorient themselves and move,
> and are left in a mass on one side of the cell.
>> It is the movement of those bacteria that is important to cellular
> growth.
This could be easy to check out experimentally. If the results do not
support your idea what would you do next? Give up your idea?
> He said cells were important to both tissues and bone growth
> in the body, thus accounting for the deterioration of bones found in
> astronauts.
>> HE THINKS further experiments might show that astronauts have some
> deterioration of all tissues.
True, but due to the reason you have suggested. The radiation is so intense
that astronauts have trouble sleeping from the FLASHES in their eyes from
cosmic rays.
> Mr. Jackson said all people, young and old, are indirectly affected
> by magnetic bacteria. He thinks indians used to carry their papooses
> (babies) on their backs to keep them moving and thus indirectly helping
> the body grow.
Granted that movement of babies increases their growth rate, but necessarily
due to magnetic field modulation.
> HE ALSO believes crib death of babies is caused from lack of movement.
Since SIDS is multiple caused by different factors, you magnetic no movement
may be one out of a thousand cases.
> He said babies do not have the muscle coordination necessary to move
> themselves when first born. If the are not moved, the magnetic bacteria
> will be essentially immobile and not be able to set many body function in
> motion
>> MR. JACKSON also believes lack of movement may be the reason bones
> and other tissues begin to fade as people get older and inactive. The
> less movement, the less the body will grow.
I have a very low movement level, I beleive it only caused me to get fat.
> He added that one experiment exemplified how magnetic bacteria could be
> degaussed (or rendered neutral in magnetism) through the application of
> heat. He has seized on this to theorize the reason for the basis of
> cellular life.
heat? Heat may be criticial to control ossillations in the microtubulines.
> MR. JACKSON believes that as human cells age , magnetic bacteria and
> other bacteria crowd the cells, creating excess friction or heat (thermal
> energy), which effectively demagnetizes magnetic bacteria for a moment,
> causing half the bacteria to lose their orientation to flux lines and
> head in the opposite direction. This intense action may cause cells to
> split.
>> He believes that scientists may have overlooked the fact that magnetic
> bacteria heading in opposite directions may cause DNA (dioxyribo nucleic
> acid) molecules in the cell nucleus to split. DNA is associated with
> the transmission of genes in all living things. THE END.
We over look alot. True that magnetic field may be used by the DNA to
help cell division, but it does not necessarily support the strength of
the model you are suggestion.
With revision, careful documentation, and "suggestion" that magnetic field
"may" have some of the effects you suggested would go a long way to
have people listen to your ideas. Granted that they are NOT totally without
merit, but you must remember at people "orient" themselves to ideas and
experimental information. If you do not present you model in the
politically correct way it is likely that you will never live long enough to
find general acceptance of you model during your life even if you are
totally correct.
Check out the concept of parsimony and zeitgeist. Ron Blue