In article <49sjqc$6hb at>, jor at says...
>>Kevin Goldstein (keving at wrote:
>>>: I'm still not clear on how much total melatonin they get: am I to assume
>: they drink a liter of water a day? (!!!) Without knowing how much they
>: in a night, I can't calculate their dosage in mg/kg.
>> Kevin - You're right, there's no way to calculate how much they
>are getting when using this delivery method. Maestroni in Switzerland
>just completed a study in which he gave mice melatonin by injection. I'll
>e-mail him and ask what dose he was using.
> Jo
Why not weigh the water each evening and each morning? The difference would
be how much water they drank (you may have to allow for some evaporation).
Dave Gore