Walt Lazaruk wtriex at direct.ca
Sun Dec 3 22:14:32 EST 1995

I am a 51 year old professional that recently retired because of spinal
nerve shear and possible brain stem compression due to a
whiplash/concussion.  I am coping with the perciptating symptoms though I
get tired easily.

My hemoglobin is apparently high ( which I understand evolves from a
system that has to modify itself to correct the amount of oxygen intake
into the cells.)  I recently found out that my iron content in my body is
approx 30 percent higher than the norm.

It made sense to me to accomadate a  oxygen supplement that (I think) is
making me feel better.  ( I use it with my stair stepper for approx 40 min
a day)

I guess the question I have is ... am I helping or harming my situation..

Annonymous replies welcome..

thanks in advance..

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