Call to American Colleagues

Leonid A.Gavrilov gavrilov at avslag.aeiveos.ac.ru
Sat Dec 2 15:56:04 EST 1995

Dear Colleagues,

   Some months ago my scientific colleague and the key coauthor
of very interesting study:


published by Longevity Report (1995, vol.9,No.52,p.3-4), Dr.Yulia
Kushnareva, Ph.D. has left Russia (Moscow) for USA (Baltimore).

   During provisional period of cultural adaptation Dr.Yulia Kushnareva
is trying to continue her previous important scientific research on
human longevity at her new American home.

   I wonder if any of American colleagues is able to support her
studies just by sending her any old primitive computer for computerization
of longevity data ?

   Her address is:

   Dr.Yulia E.Kushnareva, Ph.D.
   3 Dalecrest Ct., Apt.102
   Timonium MD 21093, USA
   Tel.: +(1)-(410)-560-7167

   You can find her CV and photo at:

http://aeiveos.wa.com/au/gavrilov-la/yula_cv.html or

She is really an outstanding scientist an the most wonderful lady
in the world I have ever seen. If you are able to help her please
do it !

   Thank you in advance,

   Dr.Leonid A.Gavrilov, Ph.D.
   Principal Research Scientist
   Moscow State University

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