In article <49o18g$rf5 at> jor at (Jo Robinson) writes:
>From: jor at (Jo Robinson)
>Subject: Re: Melatonin-dose for anti-aging
>Date: 1 Dec 1995 22:57:20 GMT
>Kevin Goldstein (keving at wrote:
>: In article <49gh7j$i48 at> jor at (Jo Robinson)
>: * snip *
>: > If you want to continue to experiment with melatonin, I suggest
>: >that you switch brands (in case the #2 explanation applies) and take
>: >a much smaller dose, perhaps 500 micrograms --- 0.5 milligrams. I have
>: >a good friend who took a 3 mg. dose of KAL brand melatonin and was
>: >awake all night long. A very bizarre experience. She switched to
>: >another brand (Life Extension) and dropped the dose down to 1 mg.
>: >She slept like a log and has had no trouble ever since.
>: *snip*
>: >| Jo Robinson | jor at
>: A question on dosages, Jo. How much are you feeding your rats (mice?) in your
>: experiement?
> ** Mice. They get 1 mg of melatonin per liter of water. I take
>the melatonin water away in the daytime so they only have the hormone at
> And do you know what that amounts to in mg/kg?
> The melatonin-treated mice weigh, on average, 37 grams when
>last weighed. The control mice -- 33.3 grams. If you've visited my
>home page recently, you can see the difference in size at a gland.
> Also, do you know
>: what the doses were in some of the published studies that showed life
>: extension properties for mice? (Again in mg/kg, since I don't know how much
>: those critters drink in a day.)
> I surely do. In the Maestroni/ Pierpaoli experiments, the mice
>were given 10 micrograms per ml. In the Oaknin-Bendahan study, the rats
>were given 4 mg/liter.
>: Well, OK, that was three questions.
> That's all?
> Jo
>To see the mice, go to
>| Jo Robinson | jor at |
>| (503)284-4676 | 2826 NE 18th Portland, OR 97212 |
I'm still not clear on how much total melatonin they get: am I to assume that
they drink a liter of water a day? (!!!) Without knowing how much they drink
in a night, I can't calculate their dosage in mg/kg.
-Kevin Goldstein