jtieber at pobox.com (John Tieber) wrote:
>>>From the most recent (January 1996) issue of Life Extension Magazine
(page 16):
>>³Scientists who¹ve conducted melatonin research have emphasized in
>new books that healthy people who don¹t suffer from insomnia _may_ only
>need 500 mcg [1/2 mg] of melatonin per night for optimal antiaging
>>Later reference to _The Melatonin Miracle_ suggests that the scientists
>referred to are Walter Pierpaoli, MD, PhD; and William Regelson, MD.
>>This is the first mention I¹ve seen that 1/2 mg per night might be
>for anti-aging. Per this, Life Extension Foundation now offers a 500
>size (6 month+ supply:$14).
>>I don¹t have trouble sleeping, and would rather spend about $25 per
>for my 99.9% purity melatonin than what I¹m spending now.
>>Can anyone contradict the claim that 500 mcg per night is optimal for
>anti-aging purposes? If not, I guess I¹ll have to buy the book,
>using some of the money I will then save by reducing my melatonin
Experiments with melatonin and immune response appear to be dose
dependent up to around 10 mg. Since one of the fundamental aging clocks
is the decline of the immune system a higher dose would seem prudent
until lifespan vs dose experiments have been completed. I think the 1/2
mg dose is the knee in the curve for the antioxidantproperty of melatonin.