In article <49hphh$m3p at>, Etha Schlemermeyer <etha at> says:
>>After reading several postings about
>negative experiences with Melatonin
>and also experiences some of my friends
>had I wonder if the addition of B Vitamin
>may play a role? All of the people I
>talked to who had negative experiences
>with M took a preparation that was combined
>with B Vitamin.
>Also, I must admit that "the pure stuff"
>taken from labs in "the early days" was
>definitely better than any prep on the
>market. I hate pills, and don't under-
>stand the reason for putting fillers in
>with the prep, at least not that much.
I first took a preparation that includud Vitamin B6. I woke up throughout
the night each night. I switched to a brand without B6 and sleep soundly
every night since.
I also happen to be hypersensitive to most stimulants...for example,
Nyquil keeps me awake all night because of the small amount of stimulants
in it. Don't know if this has a bearing on the B6 reaction or not.
Any speculation from the experts?