Melatonin and EMF

Ron Blue rcb1 at LEX.LCCC.EDU
Fri Dec 1 08:49:51 EST 1995

On 30 Nov 1995, Hamann wrote:
> Hallo,
> do anybody know somethimg about the connection between melatonin and 
> electromagnetic fields (50 and 60 Hz).
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 1995 14:24:45 -500 (EST)
From: Ron Blue <rcb1 at lex.lccc.edu>
Reply to: clinical-psychophysiology at netcom.com
To: clinical-psychophysiology at netcom.com
Subject: 21 hertz

Are there any special eeg frequencies at 21 hertz, 33.5 hertz, 46 hertz, 
or 71 hertz. A Soviet research reported that mice's immune system was
turned off at 21 hertz exposure to emf.  The Soviet's power system is on 50
hertz so I went with harmonics also.  The effect disappeared if you deviated
beyond .5 hertz of the main emf.
Ron Blue

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