Diurnal hormones and Hayflick limit

Sydney Shall bafa1 at central.susx.ac.uk
Fri Oct 28 12:08:53 EST 1994

Edward Krug (kruged at ESSEX.HSC.COLORADO.EDU) wrote:
: 	Dirunal hormone cycles are acknowledged to be important in ageing
: of intact animals, but when "in vitro" cell doubling limits are discussed
: the standard model is steady state medium composition.  Does anyone out
: there know of any studies where the tissue culture media has been regulated
: to mimic the normal "in vivo" hormonal pattern?

: Edward C. Krug Ph.D.
: Instructor
: Campus Box B-168
: Dept. of Infectious Diseases
: Univ. of Colorado Health Sciences Center
: 4200 E. Nineth Ave.
: Denver, Colorado, 80262
: e-mail = kruged at essex.hsc.colorado.edu

I am not aware of any reports which mimic the diurnal rythm.  But there
are numerous reports on the effects of a variety of hormones.  I would
recommend that you seek out some papers by Vincent Cristafalo, who has
also written a very review of this topic.

Sydney SHALL, Laboratory of Cell and Molecular Biology, Biology Building,
University of Sussex, Brighton, East Sussex BN1 9QG, ENGLAND.
Tel:+ FAX:+; E-Mail:Janet:S.Shall at uk.ac.sussex 
Elsewhere:S.Shall at sussex.ac.uk      EARN/BITNET:S.Shall%sussex at ukacrl

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