Urgent grant for ageing research

Leonid Gavrilov gavrilov at aeiveos.uucp.free.msk.su
Sun Apr 24 03:14:40 EST 1994

April 24, 1994

Dear Sirs, 

   The purpose of this message is to invite you to join a research 
team for receiving EC grant called COPERNICUS. 

   In order to receive this grant a team of 5 researchers from 
5 different countries should be created: 2 researchers from EC countries, 
2 researchers from Eastern European countries and 1 researcher from 
the countries of the former Soviet Union (myself). Additional researchers 
from other eligible countries are very much wellcome. Of special 
importance is participant from Belgium since the COPERNICUS  Headquarters 
is located there and it is extremely important to have an opportunity 
for personal contact with COPERNICUS administration. 

   The suggested topics of the grants are: 
1. Parental age an offspring longevity. 
2. Biomedical basis for sex differences in life span. 
3. Any other topics could be negotiated. 

   The deadline for application is May 2, 1994. So, we are to be very rapid !

   Sincerely yours,

   Dr.Leonid A.Gavrilov, Ph.D.
   Member of the New York Academy of Sciences

P.S.: My CV is available upon the request or could be extracted from 
archives of this LIST (message 447 of April 23). 

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