Request for assistance

Leonid Gavrilov gavrilov at aeiveos.uucp.free.msk.su
Wed Apr 20 15:16:10 EST 1994

TO: <ageing at DARESBURY.AC.UK>


Dr. Leonid A.Gavrilov, Ph.D. <aeiveos at glas.apc.org>
A.N.Belozersky Institute
Moscow State University
119899 Moscow, RUSSIA
FAX: 7 (095) 939-0338
     7 (095) 939-3181

April 20, 1994

   Dear Sirs,

   I am a Russian gerontologist trying to establish international 
scientific contacts. 

   Since my previous attempts to subscribe to this LISTSERV and 
to receive the mail address of other subscribers were so far 
unsuccessful, I would be most grateful for any advice and instruction 
how to solve this problem.

   Please send your response to my E-mail address:

             aeiveos at glas.apc.org

   Thank you in advance for your kindness.

   Sincerely yours,

   Dr.Leonid A.Gavrilov, Ph.D.

-- Dr. Leonid A. Gavrilov, Ph.D.   Phone: 7 (095) 427 0047 
   Principal Research Scientist    FAX: 7 (095) 939 0338 or 
   A.N.Belozersky Institute             7 (095) 939 3181 
   Moscow State University         E-mail addresses: 
   Moscow 119899                   gavrilov at aeiveos.uucp.free.msk.su   
   Russia                             libro at genebee.msu.su
                                    aeiveos at glas.apc.org

   Please send your answer to my most reliable E-mail address:

                     aeiveos at glas.apc.org

   if you wish to be sure to reach me. Thank you !

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