The following message is an abstract of a paper that deals with the
history of biological thought with regard to the nature of bioelectricity and
nerve impulse propagation. Although the paper focuses on neurophysiology, the
lessons contained therein are directly relevant to understanding the nature of
inter and intracellular chemistry, and allusions are made to these issues in
the paper. The point is made that the 'energy' produced by mitochondria and
necessary for cellular chemical activity is nothing more than chemical energy
wich is known as negative electrical charge. The failure of orthodox medicine
to appreciate the lessons of quantum electrodynamics in this regard is ex-
tensively detailed. The consequences for the study of cell ageing are signif-
icant. By bombarding a cell with electrical charge it is energized as if by
powerfully functioning mitochondria. It is not enough to immerse the cell in
a medium conducive to its perpetuation and study how it runs down in order to
gain an idea of the cell's lifespan. The paper alludes too the nature of the
ageing process of the organism itself in terms of its cellular chemistry.