Epidemiology of aging

Robert Bradbury bradbury at sftwks.UUCP
Sat Dec 19 15:58:32 EST 1992

In article <rlewis.724364031 at muskwa.ucs.ualberta.ca> rlewis at muskwa.ucs.ualberta.ca (Robert Lewis) writes:
>A while back there wa a report on a large scale epidimilogical/nutrition 
>study of China.  Could some one E-mail me or post a reference to that
>and/or could anyone point me towards published articles coming from that or
>from other studies which discuss epidemiological, cross-cultural findings 
>concerning osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and other degenerative 
>diseases associated with aging?  Thanks in advance.

Here are the references on the China diet, nutrition and aging studies.
The first set are more overview and conclusions, the rest are more
technical in nature.

AU   Chen-J.  Geissler-C.  Parpia-B.  Li-J.  Campbell-T-C.
TI   Antioxidant status and cancer mortality in China.
SO   Int-J-Epidemiol.  1992 Aug.  21(4).  P 625-35.

AU   Campbell-T-C.
TI   A study on diet, nutrition and disease in the People's Republic of
     China. Part I.
SO   Bol-Asoc-Med-P-R.  1990 Mar.  82(3).  P 132-4.

AU   Peto-R.  Boreham-J.  Chen-J.  Li-J.  Campbell-T-C.  Brun-T.
TI   Plasma cholesterol, coronary heart disease, and cancer [letter]
SO   BMJ.  1989 May 6.  298(6682).  P 1249.

AU   Campbell-T-C.
TI   Chinese diet study [letter]
SO   Science.  1988 Jun 10.  240(4858).  P 1389.


AU   Forman-D.  Sitas-F.  Newell-D-G.  Stacey-A-R.  Boreham-J.  Peto-R.
     Campbell-T-C.  Li-J.  Chen-J.
TI   Geographic association of Helicobacter pylori antibody prevalence and
     gastric cancer mortality in rural China.
SO   Int-J-Cancer.  1990 Oct 15.  46(4).  P 608-11.

AU   Campbell-T-C.  Chen-J-S.  Liu-C-B.  Li-J-Y.  Parpia-B.
TI   Nonassociation of aflatoxin with primary liver cancer in a
     cross-sectional ecological survey in the People's Republic of China
     [see comments]
CM   Comment in: Cancer-Res.  1991 Jul 15.  51(14).  P 3825-7.
SO   Cancer-Res.  1990 Nov 1.  50(21).  P 6882-93.

AU   Brun-T-A.  Chen-J.  Campbell-T-C.  Boreham-J.  Feng-Z.  Parpia-B.
     Shen-T-F.  Li-M.
TI   Urinary riboflavin excretion after a load test in rural China as a
     measure of possible riboflavin deficiency.
SO   Eur-J-Clin-Nutr.  1990 Mar.  44(3).  P 195-206.

AU   Chen-J-S.  Brun-T-A.  Campbell-T-C.  Li-J-Y.  Geissler-C-A.  Li-M.
TI   Plasma cotinine, smoking, and lung cancer in China [letter]
SO   Lancet.  1990 May 19.  335(8699).  P 1225-6.

AU   Campbell-T-C.  Brun-T.  Chen-J-S.  Feng-Z-L.  Parpia-B.
TI   Questioning riboflavin recommendations on the basis of a survey in
     China [see comments]
CM   Comment in: Am-J-Clin-Nutr.  1991 Feb.  53(2).  P 574-6.
SO   Am-J-Clin-Nutr.  1990 Mar.  51(3).  P 436-45.

AU   Brun-T-A.  Campbell-T-C.  Geissler-C-A.  Fu-S-T.
TI   Cirrhosis of the liver and mouldy bread [letter] [see comments]
CM   Comment in: Lancet.  1990 May 12.  335(8698).  P 1165.
SO   Lancet.  1989 Dec 16.  2(8677).  P 1453-4.

AU   Chen-J.  Ohshima-H.  Yang-H.  Li-J.  Campbell-T-C.  Peto-R.  Bartsch-H.
TI   A correlation study on urinary excretion of N-nitroso compounds and
     cancer mortality in China: interim results.
SO   IARC-Sci-Publ.  1987.  (84).  P 503-6.
Robert Bradbury			uunet!sftwks!bradbury

Death is an imposition on the human race, and no longer acceptable
				Alan Harrington, The Immortalist (1969)

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