
JHC at uvvm.bitnet JHC at uvvm.bitnet
Tue Mar 27 17:05:29 EST 1990

                        I T C H  '90

                     IMPROVING COMMUNITY
                   HEALTH THROUGH APPLIED

                   A Conference Addressing
                Information Technology Issues
                     In Community Health

                   VICTORIA, B.C., CANADA
                SEPTEMBER 30-OCTOBER 3, 1990

                       CALL FOR PAPERS

The applications and uses for Information Technology and Information
Systems continues to grow in Community Health. ITCH '90 will attempt
to focus on how these systems and technology are applied and used
to actually improve the health of people within real communities.
ITCH '90 will also try to look at how to choose and set up
computerized information systems, information networks and related

The ITCH'90 Scientific Program Committee invites interested persons
to submit abstracts of papers for presentation at the Conference.

Prospective contributors are encouraged to address topics such as
information systems for community health assessment and planning,
systems or technology used to assist in education and rehabilitation
of people, networks, costs/benefits.  Other areas may include AIDS
and information systems, quick response teams and wellness projects.

Papers may be limited to 20 to 30 minutes in length.  Abstracts of 250
words will be accepted up to June 30, 1990.

Please submit your abstract to:	

 	Dr. Shaun Peck, Chairperson
       ITCH '90 - Scientific Program Committee
       School of Health Information Science, University of Victoria
       P.O. Box 1700, Victoria, B.C., Canada    V8W 2Y2

Electronic Submissions may be sent to JHC at UVVM on the
BITNET/NETNORTH NETWORK.   FAX submissions may be sent to
J.Coward, School of Health Information Science, UVic.  (604) 721-1457

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